Does it take you hours to get your Trip Schedule finalised? Does it take you days to get your Trip Cost Estimate and activate your Trip?

With AvPlat, you can customise your Trip Schedule, get an instant Trip Cost Estimate and activate your Trip in under a minute!

Let us show you how.
If you have not already signed up on AvPlat, or set-up your aircraft, do it now.

Step 1. Create Schedule
  1. Select your Tail No.
  2. Select Origin, Destination and Departure Date/Time
  3. Press +Sector. Our Flight Planning Engine creates a flight plan for you based on forecast or historical winds based on departure date.
  4. Press +Sector again to create as many legs as you want.

Step 2. Select Services
  1. Press the Orange Flow Arrow to go to the Services page.
  2. Services are segmented by Sector and by Station
  3. Select Service Providers for each service, after which you will see a white tick mark
  4. Select - Self Service, if a particular sector or station does not have a Service Provider yet.
  5. After selecting all services, the Continue button will be enabled. If not enabled, it means that you missed out on selecting a service. You can identify this by checking for the white tick mark.
  6. Press Continue. You will be taken back to the Legs page.
  7. Repeat service selection for all legs.

Step 3. Generate TCE and Save Estimate/Activate Trip
  1. The Save&Continue Button will be enabled if you have selected services for all your legs.
  2. Press Save&Continue and you get an instant TCE.
  3. To save as an Estimate for future reference and activation, exit page by clicking on the back arrow.
  4. Press Activate to instantly activate your Trip and notify your selected Service Providers.