Some Housekeeping —Add Rates in Setup.

Before you generate a Quick Quote you need to save your rates in Setup. Open Setup from the side menu, select the service you provide, and then click on the plus icon to setup your first rate card on AvPlat.

Let's Start — Create your First Quick Quote.

Tap on the Plus Icon from the Requests page. Enter aircraft details, enter service details and click Get Quotes.

Finally — Download and Share. Easy!

Make final adjustments to your quote, click Get Quotes again when you are ready, open the quote to view your quote, and then click on the download icon to view or share the Quick Quote in PDF format. And get your Operators to download AvPlat so that they never have to ask you for a quote again!

🔜 What Next?

Now that you've mastered the art of generating quick quotes. Try generating quick quotes for multiple services.